Venue Télécom ParisTech, 49 rue Vergniaud 75013 Paris, France
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This conference will include seminars on:
- Professional development and the decisions of today's teachers
- Motivating young learners
- Motivating students with role plays
- Marketing yourself
- Teacher CVs
- Continuing education options for teachers
- Boosting your salary
- The state of ELT in France
Plenary Speaker: Ken Wilson
Ten ways to get your students to DO something
English language materials are bursting with good content and ideas for skills exploitation, but to make them work and get the best out of them, you need to engage your students' interest. This isn't always easy, especially if they are at the end of a long, hard week or "aren't in the mood". At times like this, you need to challenge them, make them curious and encourage them to be imaginative. Sometimes you simply have to find out what they're good at or even give them responsibility for what happens in the class. In this talk, I will suggest ten ways that you can uncork their interest and their talents. Maybe you can show them talents they never knew they had - drawing, miming etc - or even specialist knowledge about insects or outer space. It's all there, waiting to be exploited. Remember, in a class of 30 students, there are 32 sources of information - you, the book and the students themselves.
Ken Wilson is an author and trainer. He has written about 30 ELT titles, including a dozen main courses. He also writes supplementary material and in 2008, OUP published Drama and Improvisation, a collection of about sixty of his drama activities for teachers. His first ELT publication was a collection of songs called Mister Monday, which was released when he was 23. Since then, he has written and recorded more than 150 ELT songs, published as albums or as integral parts of course material. He has also written more than a hundred ELT radio and television programs, including fifty radio scripts for the BBC Follow Me series, thirty Look Ahead TV scripts and a series of plays called Drama First. For many years, Ken was artistic director of the English Teaching Theatre, a company which toured the world performing stage-shows for learners of English. The ETT made more than 250 tours to 55 countries, including several visits to France. Ken lives in London with his wife Dede and their two cats, and works in a shed at the end of his garden.List of talks and times (NB: some will be repeated):
9:15 - 10:30
-The state of play of the French language Training Market -- by Andrew Wickham
-How to Find Clients. 5 Steps to Successful Selling Especially for Auto-entrepreneurs, Travailleurs Independents -- by Curtis Bartosik
10:45 - 12:00
-Don't Just Work... Work on your EFL Career! -- by Carol Bausor
-Thinking Critically About Teaching and Research -- by Jean-Paul Narcy-Combes
-Getting Your CV Right! -- by Erin Douglas
13:30 - 14:45
Plenary by Ken Wilson: Ten ways to get your students to DO something
15:15 - 16:30
-10 Ways to Earn More Money as a Language Trainer -- by Claire Oldmeadow
-How to Find Clients. 5 Steps to Successful Selling Especially for Auto-entrepreneurs, Travailleurs Independents -- by Curtis Bartosik
-Letting Go of the Classroom - from Role Play to Improvisation -- by Damian Corcoran
16:45 - 18:00
-The state of play of the French language Training Market -- by Andrew Wickham
-Motivating Young Learners -- by Dede Wilson
-Don't Just Work... Work on your EFL Career! -- by Carol Bausor
18:15 - 19:00
Q&A with the Speakers
This event is FREE of charge to TESOL France Members and Speakers.
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