3 September 2008

Cambridge Dictionary Winners!

Hi Everyone,

This is a message especially for ten lucky new members who have joined us since the Attica Langues & Avenir event which was also the launch of the brand new look TESOL France Magazine, Teaching Times.

We broadcasted this great prize from the rooftops and the results were excellent!

Just to remind you, Cambridge University Press generously offered a great prize of the excellent new Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary (or CALD to its friends) to some of our lucky new members.

And the winners are, in no particular order... (drum roll please!)

Annie Delplace Smith
Jane Lueng
Agnes Bessières
Anna Barnet
Lisa Rubinstein
Elizabeth Anne
Anne Seror
Jackie Moon-Rigoulay
Curtis Bartosik
Alexis Glick

Well done, everyone, and a very warm welcome to TESOL France!

The easiest, and by far the most useful way to receive your prize dictionary, is to come to the Cambridge Day, which is being held in collaboration with TESOL France at our head quarters at Télécom Paris Tech (ENST) on September 20th (see details of this event on the right under the heading Upcoming Events).

The boring way to get your prize is to wait for Cambridge to send it to you sometime after this event! Leave a comment on this message to tell us if we'll see you at the Cambridge day, and well done again!


31 August 2008

Poster Sessions at the Annual Colloquium

At this year's Annual Colloquium (7-8 November 2008, in Paris), TESOL France is offering you the chance to present a poster session. Not sure what it's all about? – Read on …

A poster session is a presentation format with the following characteristics:

1. A small, relatively restricted topic or theme that can be introduced and explained in a short time
2. A poster (about 24" x 36") sitting on an easel that presents the most important points of the topic
3. A knowledgeable person who provides a short overview of the topic and answers questions
4. A handout that participants can pick up that contains additional references, links and information

Why give a poster session?

* It's a more informal way of delivering a presentation
* It's a quick and efficient means of communicating classroom / academic research or new ELT materials, etc.,
* It enables the presenter to have access to a wider audience
* It puts the emphasis on conversation among small groups of people.
* It encourages delegates to contribute their own experiences,
* It's a fluid format that is becoming increasingly popular at many professional conferences, blurring the line between the expert and the novice,
* It offers an initial presentation opportunity for a teacher wishing to participate in an international conference.

Why attend a poster session?

* It provides a greater diversity of topics to be presented in a shorter space of time
* It's a more informal means of viewing a variety of topics
* It allows delegates time to study and restudy the information presented
* It enables interaction directly with the presenter

When do poster sessions take place?

* Poster sessions will be allocated specific time slots during the TESOL France Annual Colloquium schedule – 30 minutes on Friday 7th Nov and 30 minutes on Saturday 8th Nov.
* Details about each poster session and their presenters will appear in the Colloquium Programme and on the TESOL France website, www.tesol-france.org

How can I take part in a poster session at this year's TESOL France Annual Colloquium?

Send the following to Ros Wright, ros_wright@hotmail.com by 30th September 2008:

1. a proposal (100 words max) describing the poster you wish to present
2. the dimensions of your poster
3. a biodata (100 words max)

Successful presenters will be notified by 5th October 2008