We are proud to introduce our 2010 Plenary Speakers (November 26 to 28, 2010 at Télécom ParisTech)
Further information and our Call for papers: http://www.tesol-france.org/Colloquium10.php
Professor David Crystal is one of the world's foremost authorities on language. An internationally renowned writer, editor, lecturer, and broadcaster, he received an OBE in 1995 for his services to the English language. He has authored and edited over 100 books including the
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language (1987),
English as a Global Language (1997),
Language Play (1998),
Shakespeare's Words (2002, with Ben Crystal),
The Stories of English (2004),
By Hook or By Crook: a journey in search of English (2008), and
Just a Phrase I'm Going Through: my life in language (2009).
David A. Hill is a free-lance teacher trainer and educational materials writer working out of Budapest, Hungary. He has worked for The British Council (18 years), Pilgrims, Canterbury (12 summers) and has been a teacher trainer with NILE, Norwich every summer since 1998.
David has worked with many major ELT publishers, writing courses for Italy, Spain, Poland, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Morocco and Bulgaria. He has recently co-written the teacher resource book
Writing Stories for Helbling Languages for whom he has also adapted several classics and written original readers.
David has held positions of responsibility within IATEFL for nearly 25 years, and is currently the Coordinator of the Literature, Media & Cultural Studies SIG. When not involved with ELT, he plays the blues, writes poetry, studies natural history and photographs
art nouveau buildings.