21 May 2009

Call for Papers!

Come join our plenary speakers: Penny Ur and Jamie Keddie!

Have something to share? Submit an abstract for the TESOL France Call for Papers!

This year TESOL France is stretching its wings! For our 28th Annual Colloquium held in Paris, France at Télécom ParisTech on November 6th and 7th 2009, we are welcoming talks and Poster Sessions from all English Language Teaching fields including proposals concerning the present and future of the ELT profession and philosophy. We encourage presentations on learning and using interactive formats that engage the audience and focus on practical classroom practices. In this Call for Papers we welcome proposals that include suggestions, models, or "success stories" from today's classroom. Not only do we wish to explore ELT in France but also the world of ELT as a whole. Our goal is to open the way for in-depth discussions, debates, and classroom enlightenment.

Welcomed themes are related, but not limited, to the following ELT fields: Adult Learners, Young Learners, Higher Education, Language Testing, Global Issues, Business English, English for Specific Purposes, Learning Technologies, Corpus in the Classroom, Teacher Training and Development, ELT Management, Bilingual Education, The Four Skills, Research, Grammar and Vocabulary Development, Tried and Tested Classroom Techniques, Materials Design and Publishing, Ethics in the Classroom, Pronunciation/intonation, Learner styles, Intercultural issues.

Speakers and Poster Session Presenters can participate by making either a commercial or a professional presentation. A commercial presentation is designed to promote a particular product or service, such as a (course)book, publisher, author, school, examination, etc. Professional presentations should not be used for such a purpose and thus are non-commercial. Participants at TESOL France conferences are particularly sensitive to the distinction between these types of presentations and tend to prefer the latter.

To submit and abstract go to: http://www.tesol-france.org/Colloquium09-callforpapers.php